Thursday, October 8, 2015

October 8: Blues

So often,
we tie the hues
of myriad blues
to the concept
of fidelity,
being always true,
but for me,
it was the color
of the abyss
I dragged myself from
over many years.
It was the shade
of depression
from being abandoned
by a mother
unable to cope
with her responsibilities,
and a father
whose answer
to emotional trauma
was to shut it
all out,
deny its place,
its power.
The young man
who was overwhelmed
by the damage done
by being left behind,
by being used
as a plaything,
by being unable
to turn everyone else's
emotions off.
The consummate friend,
always supportive,
yearning for the love
denied him so long.
From deepest, darkest
midnight blues I rose,
to the place I now
call my own
the robin's egg,
the midday cloudless sky
bright sun shining,
hope and possibility reigning,
just beginning to fly.

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