Monday, November 27, 2017

Take This

Take my guilt,
there's plenty
I owe, and
to spare.

Take my heart,
for there's nothing
left inside,
for any to care.

Take my pride,
for it's been lost
years ago when I chose
to stay and fight on.

Take my hope,
for any of it
for our better lives
is dead and gone.

Take my future,
because all it is
is a litany
of unending strife.

Take my validity,
because nothing else
matters to you
but your unyielding self.

Take it all,
there is nothing left
but what you take,
and that stays till death.

(c) Tortured Cyclone 2017

My Responsibility

It is my choice
to stay and fight on,
though every cell says
I should be long gone.

It is my debt
I have chosen to pay,
and so I remain
day after day.

It is my love
that is never believed,
because how do obligations
come into being?

It is my responsibility
to be your husband,
which I strive to be,

(c) Tortured Cyclone 2017