I know that many things
can be said in criticism
of the man I have become.
Overproud, vainglorious,
mercurial and lascivious,
at times, all valid critiques.
But I am well aware
of the fact that many
look to me, as an exemplar.
From that awareness rises
the recognition that I must
strive to adhere to a code.
To be a contributor,
to be a friend and support,
at need to be a defender.
For those reasons, it hurts profoundly
when someone claims to be
singled out, treated unjustly by me.
I offer advice, not threats,
and encouragement, not falsehoods.
I fight to avoid any facade.
If there is a problem, come to me.
I am not unreasonable, I'll listen,
even if I do not agree with you.
I do stand to defend the rights
of the members of this community,
and to protect the people I love.
Tell me what attacking behavior
is part of those aims, and what
I do that seems unreasonable.
I'm tired to death of the slander
of persons with sundry grudges
who do not have the courage
to seek resolutions,
instead of continued strife
and egregious misunderstandings.
Come, let us hold counsel together
to strengthen this community,
not weaken it with divisions.